Все же очень хочется попробовать реанимировать старый проект по мотивам Dux Britanniarum от TFL, только в условиях модификации предложенной Saxon Dog:
Изначально, хотели нечто похожее на кампанию в условной Британии, где есть отдалённый римский форт, окруженный агрессивной фауной в лице бриттов и прочих варваров.
Фигурки мне подкинул дядя Вася, фигурки отличные (собственно вот они).
Вот, такие дела... нужно потыркать палочкой Никиту Данте.
rules don’t need much changing for the period, I just added a few tweaks:
The Roman Legionaries are the only elite troops on the table. They are in
groups of 6 figures, but can form up with other groups to a max of 18 figures.
The Roman Legionaries are allowed a free pilum throw before charging the enemy,
regardless if they had the strong arm card or not. (The Romans can only throw
the Pilum if formed). Each figure rolls a D6, a 6 is a kill and a 5 inflicts a
shock point. The combat is then fought as per the main rules. Shieldwall can be
claimed if formed.
The Roman Auxiliary are classed as warriors with Long Spear.
The Roman Big men are… a Status 3 (Marcus) in charge of two groups of 6
legionaries. A Status 2 in charge of two groups of Auxiliary and a Status 1 in
the fort leading 4 archers and 6 legionaries.
5) The Roman Legionaries can
use an activation point to test to form Testudo, needing 5 + on a d6. If the
Romans form Testudo then they move on one d6. They fight the first round of
combat as in hard cover. ( Tough bastards the Romans you know)!
6) The Celts are in groups of
8 figures classed as warriors. There are 8 of these groups on the table. The
should be a lower class than the Romans but outnumber them.
7) The druids in the two
chariots move at d6 +2 inches per dice but can only throw missiles. The can
only charge an enemy who is not formed.
8) The Celts have a Status 3
Big Man chieftain and 4 other Status 2 leaders. The chieftain has a bodyguard
who has two combat dice and two lives. If the Chieftain is Chariot mounted then
the body guard must be too!
designed a set of cards suitably Imperial Roman looking and the game was ready
to play. The card are attached as a free PDF download with permission from
Richard Clarke who wrote Dux Britanniarum and publishes them through TwoFatLardies.
just used the main core elements of the rules without the pre-game elements.
Each force starts on a Force Morale of 9.
final change I made is when two formations engage with each other, everyone
fights! If 6 celt warriors are daft enough to charge 12 elite Roman Legionaries
then they deserve to die! If the Romans charge 24 celts in the open unformed
then they will learn the hard way!
Изначально, хотели нечто похожее на кампанию в условной Британии, где есть отдалённый римский форт, окруженный агрессивной фауной в лице бриттов и прочих варваров.
Фигурки мне подкинул дядя Вася, фигурки отличные (собственно вот они).
Вот, такие дела... нужно потыркать палочкой Никиту Данте.